Let’s Pray for Borders to be Opened

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

First of all we would like to thank you for the testimony videos. We have received enough to put a good promotional video together. Once it is finished, we will send it to you.

God is moving in the Balkans and is calling His people to be available for His purposes. We believe that the Holy Spirit is leading us as part of His people in this region to pray for the borders in the Balkans and beyond to be open so that we will be able to gather in person from the 5th to 7th of November for the Balkan Call 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Expensive tests and quarantine are certainly hindrances for traveling. In faith we are going ahead by planning a physical Balkan Call.

According to Hebrews 11:1 faith is the assurance that what we hope for will come about and the certainty that what we cannot see exists.

In Romans 4:17 we read that God is the one Who is able to call into existence that which does not exist. On this basis we have set aside each Saturday as a day of prayer and of fasting, during which we will be before God’s throne and ask Him in full assurance of faith, knowing that He is the Creator, to open the borders in the Balkans and beyond. We would like to ask you to join us from this Saturday (8th August) onward. We are also planning on having online prayer on some of the Saturday evenings, where we will be able to share with each other what God is saying and agree together in prayer in Jesus’ Name. The information about these meetings will be sent to you closer to the time. Thank you.

We are looking forward to being before God’s throne together with you and see Him move with His mighty hand. Every blessing in Christ. In Him,

The Balkan Call Core Team